Is My Tap Water Safe to Drink? Check Out Your Consumer Confidence Report

Two children drinking glasses of water - Consumer Confidence Report

Here in the U.S., we have some of the safest drinking water in the world, but unfortunately, not everything that comes out of your tap is safe to ingest. How can you tell if your home has safe drinking water? The annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR), or the Annual Drinking Water Quality Report, can help. […]

The Hurricane Preparedness Checklist Every Homeowner Needs

a woman standing underneath storm clouds - hurricane preparedness tips

Hurricane season is back! That means you can expect power outages, storm surges, and other perilous problems, now through November 30. An unprepared homeowner can be left with thousands of dollars in damage from a strong hurricane, so here at, we want to help you ready your home. Stay safe and prevent storm damage to […]