8 Super Simple & Really Necessary Packing Tips and Tricks

Are you excited for your new home? More importantly, are you packed? Moving from one place to another and taking all your worldly possessions with you is an incredibly difficult process. We all know not everything will make it from your current home to your new one (that ugly vase just happened to fall off the truck), but to help your keepsakes make the precarious journey, our experts put together these super simple and totally necessary packing tips and tricks!

Tip #1 – Make sure to leave enough time to pack. 

…you already haven’t, have you? If that’s the case, skip to tip #1.5.

For the three people still reading, time is super important to help lighten the load. There are some things you definitely want to take with you, but then there are old clothes, furniture, maybe even appliances that you’ll want to donate or toss. Take this time to go through your things and decide what’s going to the new house, what’s going in the garbage, and what’s going to be donated.

Tip #1.5 – If you don’t have time and you can budget it, consider temporary storage where you can later look through your things and decide what to keep, sell, or donate.

Tip #2 – Plan.

a couple surrounded by moving boxes, looking a tablet
Do you know your budget?

You’ll need to make a budget. Moving is expensive and not just because you’ve made the most expensive purchase you may ever make in your life. Between the boxes, bubble wrap, tape, plastic bags, markers for labels, actual labels, etc. – the cost can get quite high, and that’s not even mentioning renting a truck. Depending on where you’re going, you may need to hire professional movers, which can bust some budgets.

Don’t forget to create a checklist of what you need to do before moving day, on moving day, and after moving day. You may want to keep this digitally, like in the notes section of your phone, as you’ll continuously update it until you’re in your new space.

Tip #3 – Use sturdy boxes.

Soft or not properly taped boxes can lead to damaged items, including essentials such as plates, cups, computer screens, and even your not-so-favorite vase. Make sure to use boxes that won’t break and don’t overload boxes, too. Even the sturdiest box will still break when filled with rocks (or an entire rock collection).

Also, don’t be afraid to place smaller boxes, filled with items such as jewelry, in larger boxes to keep your possessions organized.

Tip #4 – Label, label, and oh yes, label some more.

a woman labeling a box - packing tips
Labels are a homeowner’s best friend.

A box without a label is a box for the attic, and you may not see those contents until you move again. That’s why it’s extremely important to label a box with exactly what’s in it – T-shirts, sandals, ugly vase, potato peeler, dishes, earrings, etc.

Also, never write “miscellaneous” on a label. You will not remember what is in that box, and if you place something important in a miscellaneous box, you risk losing it to the attic.

Finally, consider taking a picture of the boxes once they are packed, so you can refresh your memory if you need to locate a certain ugly vase.

Tip #5 – Use your towels and linens to protect fragile items.

The last time Content Writer Susie and her family moved, they used paper towels and bubble wrap to protect fragile or sharp items. While you’ll undoubtedly need those supplies, you can also use your towels, sheets, and even T-shirts to protect your sharp or fragile items. Just make sure to secure sharp items, so they can’t harm anyone in transit (or after).

Tip #6 – Pack purposefully.

boxes with open tops in a living room - packing tips
Pack smart.
  • Keep items from the same room together.
  • Use what you already have. In the kitchen, pots with lids can also hold silverware and other cooking utensils. (Tape the lids!) Use laundry baskets to transport small appliances or knickknacks. Use toilet paper rolls to hold charging cords.
  • Use suitcases to move heavy, non-fragile items, since you can simply roll your suitcase out of your home.
  • Remove light bulbs from your lamps!
  • Pack the items you don’t use every day first.
  • Pack a bag for yourself, including medicines, clothing, charging cords, toiletries, etc.
  • Make sure to create a few boxes of “essentials.” These boxes should include silverware, sheets and blankets for beds, bath towels, cleaning supplies, etc. These items you will need to use immediately, so keep them close. (Label!)
  • Similarly, keep tools and a first-aid kit handy!

No matter what you do, just make sure you’re completely packed before moving day!

Tip #7 – In the week leading up to the Big Day –

Set aside some time to eat all the perishable food that can’t come with you. If you have other food items, either donate them to a local foodbank or enjoy!

Also, take care of the last few furniture pieces, especially if they need to be dissembled. Make sure to take pictures before you take them apart to use as a guide. Use plastic bags to hold all the screws and hardware and attach them to the item!

Also, don’t forget to clean your appliances. You should do this whether you’re taking them with you or leaving them behind.

Tip #8 – Load your truck carefully.

a couple moving a couch - packing tips
Lift with your knees, not your back!

Heavy items on the bottom, fragile and light items on the top. Be wary of what could shift in transit, and of course, if that ugly vase somehow fell on the way to your new house, well… accidents do happen.

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