5 Reasons Braided Metal Hoses Should Be in Your Home

Homeownership can be difficult, but some quick additions can potentially save you thousands of dollars. One of these easy solutions is installing a braided metal hose or stainless steel braided hose.

But why exactly should you install these small – and cost-saving – hoses on your appliances?

For that answer, we reached out to Tom Mahoney of Little Tommy’s Plumbing Shop. Tom has been in the plumbing business since 1989, and his family has been helping homeowners to fix their plumbing issues for more than 60 years.

Tom has five reasons why braided metal hoses should be in your – and everyone’s – home.

Reason #1 – Braided metal hoses are burst-proof

a large puddle spreading across a kitchen floor
This could be your home.

When it comes to steel braided hose vs. rubber, there is no competition.

“Braided metal hoses are advertised that they’re no burst,” explains Tom, “so usually when rubber bursts, it expands like a bubble.”

Conversely, the braided hose gives the inside rubber hoses a little flexibility, but it can’t leak because the metal holds in the rubber.

But do braided washing machine hoses ever burst?

“Not that I’ve seen and we’ve got thousands of them out there,” says Tom.

Reason #2 – Braided metal hoses last “forever”

a braided metal hose attached to a toilet
These hoses are only replaced along with an appliance or fixture.

You may be thinking, “How long do stainless steel braided hoses last?” The answer is – a pretty long time. Some experts say they should be changed every five to eight years, and others have yet to see one burst.

You may want to glance at your hoses every so often to make sure they’re in good-working order – just in case. However, most homeowners will never need a braided metal hose replacement. In fact, these hoses are only replaced when a new faucet or appliance is installed.

“If we’re replacing or repairing a toilet, we replace the hoses at the time, depending on their look,” says Tom. “We’ll do it as part of our plumbing check for our regular clients, but I’ve never had an issue with these that I know of.”

Reason #3 – Braided metal hoses are super easy to install

a homeowner in orange gloves tightening a braided metal hose on a toilet
All you need is a wrench.

You only need basic hand tools to switch rubber washing machine hoses for braided metal ones. (Content Director Susie used a wrench, though a small hand tool came with her steel braided hose kit.)

Before you install, you do need to make sure the hoses are the proper length, though.

“You don’t want them stretched as tight as they can,” advises Tom. “Have a little play in there. They come in different lengths obviously, so you don’t want them to stretch really tight.”

Reason #4 – Braided metal hoses are inexpensive

While the cost (and length) may vary, braided metal hoses for washing machines generally cost less than $50 per hose. This is an incredible savings when compared to the average cost of a water damage claim ($10,849, according to the Insurance Information Institute).

Reason #5 – Braided metal hoses can save your home

a blue-painted utility room with a washer, dryer, and hot water heater
Washing machines need braided metal hoses.

Braided metal hoses can be found throughout your home, helping to save your kitchens and bathrooms from a hose fail and subsequent water damage.

“You can use them on basically any faucet or toilet supply,” says Tom. “They have them for dishwashers, ice makers, and washing machines.”

However, the most important place braided lines should be is on second-floor appliances.

“The biggest tip I tell people is – if you have first floor laundry facilities or second floor, braided hoses should be automatic,” says Tom. “When a rubber hose bursts, it gets catastrophic pretty quickly.”

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